Many men have a problem that is just not talked about in public. No, this problem is not linked with Viagra or any of those enlargement products. This problem is something that men would like to get off their chests – literally! So, what is it that these men want to get rid of? The answer is breasts. Quite a few men, it seems, have a little bit of excess baggage on the top that they would love to get rid of.
You might wonder how men manage to develop breasts. There are a host of factors that could contribute to this condition, which is called gynecomastia. One factor is obesity. When men gain weight, they tend to hold fat and excess tissue in their gut and chest area. Sumo wrestlers, while an extreme example, gives you an idea. Sometimes, an extreme weight loss can make the male breasts more pronounced.
Drug use is another factor contributing to male breasts. Steroids are a major culprit as is marijuana and those herbal over the counter remedies for penis enhancement. Some prescription medications that have estrogen also play into the gynecomastia condition. In addition, plain old hormone imbalances are also players in this male breast game. That means some teenagers who still have some growing to do, might develop breasts, thanks to those fluctuating hormones. However, for the most part, it is just a temporary condition that they will eventually outgrow.
There are also a multitude of genetic conditions that play a part in having male breasts. Whatever the reason, many men with this condition feel self-conscious and are likely to withdraw from some public events or you might never see them without a shirt on, due to their embarrassment. What might be considered even worse is if one breast is enlarged on one side while the other is perfectly normal. All of the above factors play a part in men seeking cosmetic breast surgery.
For men, cosmetic breast surgery is not just the removal of the excess tissue, but also contouring of the chest. This surgical procedure basically removes fat (much like a liposuction technique) as well as excess tissue. Depending on the circumstance, excess skin may be removed and stretched to give the man's chest a more solid, sculpted appearance. Not everyone, however, is a good candidate for this surgery. Overly obese men cannot have the surgery. The same applies for men on certain types of drugs that actually cause gynecomastia. Healthy men who are psychologically secure are top contenders for this breast cosmetic procedure. They should have supple, yet firm skin which helps with the shaping of the chest.
When men seek consultations with their cosmetic surgeons, it is important that they are upfront about their diet and health, as well as the medications and drugs (both legal and illegal) they are taking. Complications with surgery can occur if they are not honest about their health. If there are any conditions causing the growth of male breasts, surgery may not be possible until steps are taken to correct the problem. That means those men who have breasts due to genetic abnormalities may never be candidates for the surgery.
The size of the male breasts determines the steps taken with this cosmetic surgery. For instance, if the breasts are not large, then small incisions can be made and liposuction can be performed. If larger cuts are necessary to remove excess skin and tissue, incisions may be done around the nipple area or the natural outlines of the chest. There will be scars visible afterwards, but they do fade in time. Occasionally there is loss of sensation in the nipple area and sometimes it can take months to loose that numbness. Constrictive bandaging is necessary following the surgery to reduce inflammation and promote healing.
It can take several weeks before men can really resume their daily activities and a month or two before any type of strenuous activity can be reintroduced into their daily schedule. However, most men stoically put up with all of the pain and discomfort for the chance at a normal life. Cosmetic breast surgery liberates these men. They don't have to hide from the public or behind excessive clothing anymore.
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