Wednesday, December 20, 2006

5 Tips to Help You Prepare for Growth Spurts

  1. Get outside help. Growth is tricky and stressful, so smart business owners rely on outside assistance—such as consultants or SCORE volunteers—to get them through it.

  2. Hire ahead of the need. If you're growing fast, add a chief operating officer and/or chief financial officer—even if only on a part-time or consulting basis.

  3. Change your own role. Stop "doing everything yourself." Delegate day-to-day operations to others and become the leader, the strategic thinker and the planner—in other words, the CEO.

  4. Weed out customers that don't contribute sufficiently to your bottom line. Let go of those who distract you from your goal—for example, because they are outside the area in which you want to work or take too much of your time.

  5. Have reserve capital to weather growth's inevitable bumps. Reserves don't have to be all cash—they can be excellent receivables or something else that can be turned into cash quickly.

Cosmetic Eye Surgery:

After the cosmetic eye surgery itself is complete, the entire procedure still isn't over. There is much left to be done to ensure a proper recovery and to be sure the results are up to the patient's expectations. These steps begin before even leaving the surgeon's care.

Immediately After Surgery

Right after the surgery itself is completed, the surgeon will most likely lubricate the patient's eyes with an ointment and place bandages over the area. Some surgeons also apply a special mask known as a Swiss Therapy Mask. This mask, which is simply a hydrocolloid cool compress, is clear. This allows the surgeon and his team to monitor the eyes beneath. At the same, the compress helps make the area more comfortable and limits the swelling and bruising that commonly takes place after surgery.

After Anesthesia

As the anesthesia begins to wear off, the patient generally feels tightness and soreness in the area of surgery. Taking pain medication can control this discomfort. Severe pain, however, can be a sign of problems. Therefore, it is important for the patient to communicate this to the doctor if the pain is intense.

Going Home

After the patient goes home, he or she should try to keep his or her head elevated as much as possible for several days. This will help reduce the amount of bruising and swelling that takes place. Cold compresses should also continue to be used once at home. The amount of bruising varies depending on the patient. In general, the worse of the bruising is experienced during the first week after surgery. The bruising usually lasts two weeks, but it can last for up to a month.

After Care

After the cosmetic eye surgery, the patient must perform special after care to ensure a successful recovery. This includes keeping the eyes clean. For a week or longer after the surgery, they may tend to be gummy. The surgeon and his team will show the patient how to properly clean the eyes without harming the work that his been done. Some doctors also recommend using eye drops to prevent the eyelids from feeling dry and to prevent feelings of burning or itching.

Many patients also experience excessive tearing after surgery. Others have temporary changes in their site, such as double vision or blurring. Still others have a temporary sensitivity to light. All of these symptoms should be reported to the surgeon, who will monitor the patient's progress for the first week or two after surgery. The doctor will monitor these side effects to ensure the eyes heal properly and these symptoms subside.

Returning to Normal

In generally, stitches are removed in as little as two days to as many as 10 days after cosmetic eye surgery, depending on the procedure completed. After they are removed, the swelling and bruising will begin to go away. At this point, the patient will start to feel and look better.

A couple days after surgery on the eyelids, the patient will be able to read and watch television as usual. Those who wear contact lenses, however, will have to wait for about two weeks before doing so. It is important to adhere to this time frame, even if the patient feels ok and everything appears to be healthy. The eyes and surrounding skin need this time to heal properly. Even after waiting for two weeks, it may feel uncomfortable to wear contact lenses for a while.

Most people who undergo cosmetic eye surgery feel ready to go back to work and out in public about a week to 10 days after surgery. Most people who wish to wear makeup can usually do so by this time. The makeup is particularly helpful in hiding any bruising that may still remain. It is best to avoid strenuous activities, however, for about three weeks after surgery. In particular, activities involving lifting, bending, or that raise the blood pressure should be avoided. It is also a good idea to avoid alcohol for a few weeks after surgery because it causes the body to retain fluids, which can complicate the healing process.

Many patients feel sensitivity to wind, sunlight, and other environmental irritants for several weeks following cosmetic eye surgery. It is helpful to wear sunglasses and sun block for the eyelids during this time.

The Results

The time it takes to heal completely varies from patient to patient. Scar tissue may remain slightly pink for up to six months, or longer, after surgery. These scars will eventually fade to a nearly invisible thin, white line. Following eyelid surgery, the upper eyelids will no longer droop and the skin under the eyes will be firm and smooth. Following a browlift, wrinkles on the forehead will be reduced or eliminated and the eyebrows will be even. The skin beneath them will be firm.

Cosmetic Eye Surgery:

Cosmetic eye surgery can improve the appearance of the skin and the overall look of the face. Many who consider cosmetic eye surgery are interested in the procedure in order to boost their confidence and to have a more youthful appearance. In some cases, the cosmetic eye surgery is more than just cosmetic – it actually helps improve vision as excessive fat or muscle is removed from the line of vision. Nonetheless, anyone considering cosmetic eye surgery should take several things under consideration before undergoing the procedure.

Surgical Risks

Before undergoing cosmetic eye surgery, it is important to evaluate the risks generally associated with surgery. Patients with certain medical conditions, such as heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, or other circulatory disorders, are at a higher risk when undergoing surgery of any type. In addition, there is always a risk of infection when undergoing surgery or having a negative reaction to anesthesia.

Vision Complications

A patient undergoing cosmetic eye surgery needs to be aware that certain vision complications can occur after surgery. For example, it is not uncommon for patients to experience double vision or blurred vision after surgery. These side effects generally go away after a few days, however, at which time the vision returns to normal.

Physical Complications

Most patients undergoing this surgery will experience bruising and swelling for a few days after cosmetic eye surgery. In some cases, this bruising and swelling lasts for a few weeks. In addition, some develop tiny whiteheads after stitches are removed. These whiteheads can, however, be easily removed by the doctor using a very fine needle.

Some patients also have difficulty closing their eyes when they go to sleep after surgery. This generally goes away within a few weeks. In rare cases, however, this condition can be permanent. Ectropin is another rare physical complication of cosmetic eye surgery. When this occurs, the lower lids are pulled down. If this occurs, it may be necessary to have additional surgery to repair the problem.

Planning Time

Many patients underestimate the importance of planning time before the surgery. Planning is, however, essential to the successful completion of cosmetic eye surgery. During this time, it is extremely important for the patient to be open and honest about medical history. Certain medical conditions increase the chances of encountering the risks already discussed, as well as additional risks. The doctor needs to be fully aware of any known allergies the patient may have, as well as any herbal supplements, vitamins, medications, or drugs the patient may be taking.

Eye-related medical conditions will also be tested. As part of the planning, the surgeon will test the patient's vision as well as test the patient's ability to produce tears. Information from the most recent eye examination is also important. Patients who wear glasses or contact lenses need to bring them to the surgeon so the doctor can inspect them and use them to assist in creating an overall medical profile.

Be Realistic

When going in for a consultation and the actually surgery, it is necessary for the patient to remain realistic and to be as educated about the procedure as possible. At the consultation, the patient can discuss available options. For example, a patient looking to have eye bags removed needs to decide whether he or she wants all four lids to undergo surgery, or just the top or just the bottom lids. The doctor will help the patient determine what surgeries are necessary in order to obtain the patient's desired results.

During the consultation, the surgeon will also explain precisely what will be done during the procedure and how. For example, some patients undergoing cosmetic eye surgery need to have skin removed. Others need to have muscles or fat removed. Others need all three. The exact procedure or procedures necessary depend on the individual patient. The doctor should be very clear about what needs to be done and the patient must feel comfortable with the procedure and be in agreement.

In the end, it is important for the patient to be realistic about the results he or she will receive from surgery. Cosmetic eye surgery will not prevent future wrinkles or bags from forming. In addition, surgery may not be able to remove all wrinkles, bags, or blemishes. It is also important to note that different surgeries have different purposes, as well. Therefore, expecting a browlift to remove crow's feet is unrealistic. These desired results need to be discussed with the surgeon beforehand in order to determine what procedures are necessary fro the desired results.

Cosmetic Ear Surgery: What Can I Expect?

Constant teasing and tormenting can be devastating to a child and when that child has some type of physical infirmity, then that compounds the problem even more. Some physical abnormalities cannot be fixed until a child reached adulthood or stops growing. Luckily, those children afflicted with large or projecting ears can have cosmetic ear surgery to correct the problem. Other ear infirmities like extra large ear lobes or shell ear where the cartilage may not have completely finished forming the ear are also cause for cosmetic ear surgery.

So why can children have cosmetic ear surgery performed on them? First of all, the ear stops growing somewhere between the ages of four through six or seven. That means the cartilage that forms the ear is still pliable and easier to manipulate into a more pleasing shape. With an adult undergoing the surgery, the cartilage is stiffer and less flexible. This rigidity means more recoup time. Also, when a child has the surgery when they are young, they do not have to grow up with the taunts and teasing, unlike the adult patients who consult with a surgeon for this cosmetic procedure.

This cosmetic ear surgery can basically remold the ears into a more pleasing shape. It can also reduce the size of the ear so that it works well in proportion to the head. Finally, cosmetic ear surgery also can make the ears more balanced in size and the ears can be pinned back to cause less protrusion. These cosmetic changes in your child's ears can open up a whole new world for them.

There are a few things to expect with cosmetic ear surgery:

1. There will be some scarring. For the most part, any scarring will be behind the ear. Luckily, these they can be hidden by longer hair. The surgeon will make an incision behind the ear so that the skin can be folded back to expose the cartilage. From there, depending on the ear problem, the surgeon will pin the ears back using some stitches or re-contouring the cartilage for a more symmetrical pleasing shape that best suits the head and facial features.

2. Recovery time depends on the patient and procedure. In all cases, the patient must be very careful not to accidentally bend the ears, bump them or re-injure them in any way. To do so might pull open the permanent sutures that were used to pin the ears back or refashion the ears' shape. The surgeons will want the patient to wear a head dressing to protect the surgical work on the ears.

3. Understanding the risks is part of what forms the decision to have ear cosmetic surgery. Infection can occur at the incision site. A blood clot can form around the incision area. Perfect prospects for this ear cosmetic surgery include children at least over four years of age and general all-around good health. Adults should not be drug users and also be relatively healthy. The anesthesia used can also play a factor in the risks. Adults typically will get local anesthesia while child get general anesthesia, which makes them go to sleep for a while.

4. How much does the cosmetic ear surgery cost? On average, each ear will cost about $2,500. Of course, it really depends upon the type of procedure that was used to correct any abnormalities. Also, other costs like anesthesiologists or hospital rooms are not factored into the price. And unless the ear abnormality was caused by an accident, this cosmetic ear surgery is not usually covered by insurance.

One of the toughest parts for a child is the recovery. They are, by nature, very active and like to keep busy with sports, playing and other physical activities. It can take up to several months for the sutures to properly heal. That is not to say the kids cannot do any physical activity during that time. They just have to be careful not to bump or strain their ears. Many of them will be on their best behaviors because the outcome of the cosmetic ear surgery. They cannot wait for the bandages to come off and see their new ears, ears that do not stick out or are too large. When the teasing and taunting of classmates dissipates because of this transformation, the kids' self-esteem and self-confidence soars.

Chin Implants: A Good Idea?

Have you ever seen a picture of your facial profile? Do you like what you see? Some people have a chin that looks as if it disappears or recedes into their face and as a result, there is no symmetry. Your nose provides balance for the appearance of your face, but the chin provides the foundation of your facial features. By altering your bone structure with a chin implant, you can change the whole look of your face. What you might perceive as a slightly large nose would blend in with the rest of the face and some of the excess skin around the neck might disappear due to the skin stretching slightly to accommodate the chin implant.

It is a good idea to obtain several medical opinions before settling on one cosmetic surgeon to handle your chin implant. If the surgeons know what they are doing, they will be strict with their perusal of your facial features. They will take measurements and classify the problem areas that keep you from achieving an aesthetically pleasing chin. Sometimes, the cosmetic surgeon will suggest rhinoplasty (or in layman's terms, a nose job) in tandem with the chin implant surgery. Other times, just the chin implant itself will take care of any imbalances in your facial balance.

The chin implant surgery can be anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours; it just depends on the procedures that need to be followed. Each case is different, and many times that dictates whether or not a local anesthetic and general anesthesia are used. For the most part, chin implants are made from a solid silicone material. There are no safety issues or concerns regarding the silicone material because it is not in a liquid state that can be absorbed into the body, unlike the stories you might have heard about breast implants.

During the chin implant cosmetic surgery, the surgeon has two options for making the incisions – one is made in your mouth around the lower lip area or the second could be made beneath the chin. The chin implant is then positioned inside the chin area. To attach the chin implant to the chin bone, sutures are used or sometimes even special screws made from titanium used especially for surgery. With the inner lower lip incision, the cosmetic surgeon uses dissolvable stitches to close the cut. With the incision under the chin, regular stitches that you have to remove later are used. Surgical tape is also used to control any tugging sensations that can cause soreness or swelling.

As with most surgeries, there are risks expected with the chin implants. Infection around the incision sites could occur. If that is the case, your surgeon will prescribe antibiotics that will hopefully clear it up. Otherwise, the chin implant may have to be removed temporarily until the infection clears. An incision inside your mouth may take longer to heal and if you are a smoker or have other health problems, you have the potential for excessive bleeding of the gums. Other risks to think about are nerve damage, shifting of the implant and erosion of the chin bone where the implant is adhered.

Recovery takes a little time, usually within a week or two if no problems occur. For many chin implant patients, regular ice packs applied to the surgery site helps with the swelling. Lying down must be accomplished in an elevated position and if you are a stomach sleeper, you'll have to forgo that comfort for a few weeks until the swelling goes down and your chin heals more. Chewing food can be a bit laborious and painful and usually a liquid diet is subscribed for several days so that your stitches don't pull apart. Your cosmetic surgeon will probably also instruct you to forgo any major physical activity for a few weeks and contact sports for an even longer period of time. You don't want to bump your chin and have the implant shift in any way.

While some mild swelling may linger for up to several months, it shouldn't take you long to see some major changes in your facial profile. If all goes well, your facial features will seem more symmetrical to the overall balance of your face. In turn, you can lift your chin proudly and with confidence.

Breast Reduction: What You Should Know

When it comes to breast reduction, there are many compelling reasons why women would choose to have this cosmetic surgery. Every woman has their own perception of what the perfect size breast is and if their reality does not gel with those perceptions, then they have a problem. The predominant factor is that their breasts are simply too big. And when breasts are too large, especially for a woman's body frame and stature, physical complications occur.

When a woman's breasts are too large, physical activities such as exercising or even playing with their child can cause great pain. Pain in the shoulders, neck and back are grounds of primary concern. Living with constant pain due to large breasts is an issue with the quality of life they lead, not only physically but also emotionally and spiritually. In teenagers, large breasts can unintentionally invite teasing and unwanted amorous advances from their peers, causing great emotional stress and also undermining their self-confidence and self-esteem. For all women with these issues, they might have deep grooves in their skin where their bras are cutting into them or have problems buying clothing that fits properly.

Quality of life becomes the focal point when women seek the help of a cosmetic surgeon for a breast reduction procedure. It doesn't matter how they got there; what matters is that they are seeking help and making every effort to improve their life. The basics of breast reduction, or reduction mammoplasty as the cosmetic surgeons call it, involves the removal of excess skin and fat as well as body tissue in order to create and shape a smaller, more pleasing breast. In addition, the area around the nipple is sometimes reshaped to accommodate the surgically reduced breast.

It is important to note that breast reduction is not without its drawbacks. Scars from the surgery are a result but can be hidden by clothing. And for the most part, your bras and swimsuits will also cover those scars. Loss of sensation in the nipple area is one factor as well as the chance of both breasts not being quite the same size after the reduction. In addition, the surgery itself is not without its complications. Irregular bleeding, adverse effects to anesthesia and infection are a few of the possible outcomes. For some women, breastfeeding their future children may not be possible. This is because when the cosmetic surgeon removes tissue, often times, the milk ducts have to be removed as well.

It is up to the woman to talk openly about her wants and expectations from the surgery. The cosmetic surgeon should be equally forthcoming about the risks and possible outcomes. The preparation, procedures, reaction to anesthesia, and recovery can differ greatly from person to person. Costs can also play a factor in the surgery. However, when it is a matter of a woman's health rather than a purely cosmetic elective surgery, insurance companies sometimes do pay for the procedure.

Women who undergo the breast reduction cosmetic surgery should be aware that it could take up to a year for the breast to truly settle into the new shape and place they are meant to be in. Because women have to deal with more hormonal changes than men, their bodies tend to take a little longer to recuperate. For example, when it comes to having a period or experiencing pregnancy, one of the body parts that experiences change are the breasts. So, if a woman has just undergone surgery, guess what happens? Those hormonal changes will lengthen the recovery time.

The great thing about having breast reduction cosmetic surgery is that results are noticeable almost immediately. Once some of the swelling goes down and a "real" bra can be worn rather than a surgical dressing, women will notice that they have to go buy new tops to accommodate their new figure. The pain of carrying two large weights around is gone and the first thing strangers notice will not be the breasts. For many women, it is a liberating feeling, well worth the recovery time and permanent scars that result from the breast reduction surgery. It is also an adjustment period, not only for the woman, but also for the family and friends. It takes time to become accustomed to such a radical change. However, most women are pleased with their results – and their new wardrobe they buy to reflect their "new" body.

Can Men Have Breast Surgery Too?

Many men have a problem that is just not talked about in public. No, this problem is not linked with Viagra or any of those enlargement products. This problem is something that men would like to get off their chests – literally! So, what is it that these men want to get rid of? The answer is breasts. Quite a few men, it seems, have a little bit of excess baggage on the top that they would love to get rid of.

You might wonder how men manage to develop breasts. There are a host of factors that could contribute to this condition, which is called gynecomastia. One factor is obesity. When men gain weight, they tend to hold fat and excess tissue in their gut and chest area. Sumo wrestlers, while an extreme example, gives you an idea. Sometimes, an extreme weight loss can make the male breasts more pronounced.

Drug use is another factor contributing to male breasts. Steroids are a major culprit as is marijuana and those herbal over the counter remedies for penis enhancement. Some prescription medications that have estrogen also play into the gynecomastia condition. In addition, plain old hormone imbalances are also players in this male breast game. That means some teenagers who still have some growing to do, might develop breasts, thanks to those fluctuating hormones. However, for the most part, it is just a temporary condition that they will eventually outgrow.

There are also a multitude of genetic conditions that play a part in having male breasts. Whatever the reason, many men with this condition feel self-conscious and are likely to withdraw from some public events or you might never see them without a shirt on, due to their embarrassment. What might be considered even worse is if one breast is enlarged on one side while the other is perfectly normal. All of the above factors play a part in men seeking cosmetic breast surgery.

For men, cosmetic breast surgery is not just the removal of the excess tissue, but also contouring of the chest. This surgical procedure basically removes fat (much like a liposuction technique) as well as excess tissue. Depending on the circumstance, excess skin may be removed and stretched to give the man's chest a more solid, sculpted appearance. Not everyone, however, is a good candidate for this surgery. Overly obese men cannot have the surgery. The same applies for men on certain types of drugs that actually cause gynecomastia. Healthy men who are psychologically secure are top contenders for this breast cosmetic procedure. They should have supple, yet firm skin which helps with the shaping of the chest.

When men seek consultations with their cosmetic surgeons, it is important that they are upfront about their diet and health, as well as the medications and drugs (both legal and illegal) they are taking. Complications with surgery can occur if they are not honest about their health. If there are any conditions causing the growth of male breasts, surgery may not be possible until steps are taken to correct the problem. That means those men who have breasts due to genetic abnormalities may never be candidates for the surgery.

The size of the male breasts determines the steps taken with this cosmetic surgery. For instance, if the breasts are not large, then small incisions can be made and liposuction can be performed. If larger cuts are necessary to remove excess skin and tissue, incisions may be done around the nipple area or the natural outlines of the chest. There will be scars visible afterwards, but they do fade in time. Occasionally there is loss of sensation in the nipple area and sometimes it can take months to loose that numbness. Constrictive bandaging is necessary following the surgery to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

It can take several weeks before men can really resume their daily activities and a month or two before any type of strenuous activity can be reintroduced into their daily schedule. However, most men stoically put up with all of the pain and discomfort for the chance at a normal life. Cosmetic breast surgery liberates these men. They don't have to hide from the public or behind excessive clothing anymore.

Breast Reconstruction Surgery After Cancer

Thanks to the strides in technology and medicine, more and more brave women are surviving and thriving after breast cancer. For many of these women, a mastectomy is their only option for a successful treatment. Once the immediate cancer danger is over, many of these women are dealing with the emotional issues of self-worth due to the loss of one or both breasts. Having breast reconstruction cosmetic surgery performed is a choice many make to help them feel more like a woman again.

How the breast reconstruction surgery is performed depends on several factors. First of all, mastectomy procedures always have some differences because each woman's breasts are different. So, how the mastectomy was performed is a factor as well as the state of the patient's skin. Include the wants and expectations of the patient and you have the basis of a breast reconstruction that may differ greatly from one woman to the next.

For those women with sufficient excess skin after a mastectomy, implants are a good possibility for them. The women would first undergo a procedure that would help expand the skin in the chest area, so that an implant could be accommodated. This tissue expansion is done by inserting a device under the skin that looks similar to a balloon. It is filled with a saline solution over a predetermined period of time. This helps stretch the skin in preparation for implants during a breast reconstruction.

When the amount of skin in the chest area is insufficient for implants, donor skin and tissue from other parts of her body is used. The most popular area is the stomach or abdominal area. The procedure to extract the skin and excess tissue from the abdominal area is similar to that of a tummy tuck. While this procedure involves more recovery time, some women enjoy the side benefits of a firmer tummy when they get new breasts out of the deal!

Another fatty, fleshy area that sometimes serves as a donor site is the back. Cosmetic surgeons extract tissue through the armpit area to the breast site. Some muscle is also used to reconstruct the breast or provide a cushioned area to insert a small implant. Sometimes, your buttocks area provides the donor tissue for breast reconstruction cosmetic surgery. Each woman's body and situation is different, so consultations with the surgeon are essential in choosing the best course of action.

When using a donor site, there are some repercussions. Some women report muscle weakness in their back and arms, if the donor tissue site is taken from the back. In addition, the scars are more visible. Luckily, this is not the case for those women whose abdomen is the donor tissue site. For these women, there are faint chances of a hernia or cases of "Buddha" belly. Overall, most women recover quite nicely after breast reconstruction cosmetic surgery. They will always have scars, but the rewards far outweigh the leftover physical aspects of the procedure.

During a woman's recovery, it is important to note that those who are able to have breast reconstruction right away after a mastectomy will have a longer recuperative time. If the reconstruction surgery is put off a while after the mastectomy, there is an easier recovery period. Returning to normal activities could take weeks even several months, depending on which procedure was taken during the breast reconstruction surgery.

Women undergoing these cosmetic procedures need to have reasonable viewpoints regarding the expected outcome. Physically, breast reconstruction cosmetic surgery will help women achieve a lasting breast outline and bring a proportional look to the chest area. This renewed sense of femininity boosts their self-confidence and eliminates the need for those bras with the prosthetic inserts that have the potential to pop out of a shirt. However, it is important to also note that the scars will always be there to serve as a reminder of everything they have gone through. Their new breasts will not feel the same or they may have lost sensation permanently in certain places like the nipple area.

Numerous consultations with their cosmetic surgeons should help define their expectations of the breast reconstruction cosmetic surgery. Counseling from a psychologist might also be beneficial to help the women sort through their feelings about loosing a breast and getting a new one through surgery. For the most part, women view their scars with pride and see them as badges of honor they have earned in their winning battle with cancer.

Breast Implants: 5 Things To Know Before Surgery

Women have many reasons for wanting breast augmentation cosmetic surgery. Their left and right breast may not be the same size, so they feel self-conscious about it. Some women may have little to no breasts in which to properly fill out bras and clothing. Being self-conscious about their bodies can undermine their self-confidence and esteem. Other women might be eyeing breast augmentation after having a mastectomy. In all of these cases, the most likely scenario is breast implants. In fact, when it comes to creating breasts or enhancing the size, implants are really the only option for women. As with all medical procedures, there are many things to think about in regards to having breast augmentation cosmetic surgery. Listed below are but a few of those things you should think about when it comes to getting breast implants as part of your surgery:

1. The risks – Are you fully prepared for all the risks of breast augmentation surgery? There are numerous complications that can occur when receiving a breast implant. First of all, some people may have adverse affects to the anesthesia. Secondly, infection can occur at one or more of the incision sites or around or within the implant itself. Sometimes, scar tissue will form around the implant making your new breasts feel hard and uncomfortable. There is also the chance of the breast implant rupturing.

2. Types of breast implants – While silicone breast implants are not commonly used these days, they are still available. Numerous studies have been conducted regarding the rupture factor of silicone implants. Some scientists say that certain autoimmune or neurological diseases can occur if a silicone leakage occurs. Another camp of scientists says that there is no valid evidence that points to those risks. In any case, silicone implants are soft and malleable and many women who have them say that they produce a more natural looking breast.

Saline implants are safer, especially if an accidental rupture occurs. Because the main ingredients are saline and water, it is easily absorbed by the body. Saline implants are firmer than the silicone version. And with saline, there are more options to choose from in regards to shape, size and adjustments. Some versions of the saline implant have tiny valves where your cosmetic surgeon can add additional saline or take some out, depending on the size and shape you want. With this option, an outpatient clinic visit to perform the adjustment can be done practically up to six months after your surgery.

3. Breast implant placement – The placement of your breast implant is partly up to you and partly up to the surgeon. You have to know all of your options and decide which one is right for you. Once your cosmetic surgeon evaluates you, they will have a good idea on what method of placement would be most beneficial to you. One type of placement puts the implant between the muscle of the chest and the breast tissue. Recovery time is shorter and not as painful, but the drawback is that the implant might be able to be seen through your skin and mammograms are more difficult to conduct. The second type of placement is behind the chest muscle. The recovery time is tougher, but there are slightly less risks with his option and mammograms are easier to conduct.

4. Living with no guarantees – Unfortunately, breast augmentation and breast implants come with no guarantees. Just think about the risks that were mentioned above! There are also no guarantees that the result you get will be exactly what you want. While the cosmetic surgeons try to make incisions where they will be less noticeable, you will always have scars to serve as a reminder of your time under the knife. Luckily, clothing hides these scars.

5. Choosing a cosmetic surgeon – You want to feel comfortable allowing a stranger to basically cut you open. So it pays off to do a little research of the cosmetic surgeons in your area. Ask around. If a neighbor or family member has had cosmetic surgery, find out who they went to. Get several opinions and compare what each surgeon tells you. Check their credentials and see if there have been any complaints (or praises) through the various governing medical boards.

Implants as part of your breast augmentation cosmetic surgery is something to not be taken lightly. After all, you have to live with the consequences. Consider the steps listed above and hopefully you will make the best informed decision for your future.

Breast Augmentation: Pros and Cons

Before even speaking to a cosmetic surgeon about the pros and cons of breast augmentation surgery, you need to do a lot of thinking about the "whys" of having it done. For many women, it is all about self-image. Some women cannot find clothes that fit them due to having no chest at all. Others may have breasts that are two different sizes, so they need a breast augmentation to "level the playing field," so to speak. No matter what your reasons are, your cosmetic surgeon will likely quiz you considerably to make sure that breast augmentation is what you really want to do. Part of that quizzing is learning the pros and cons to the procedure.

Here are the "pros" or reasons why breast augmentation might be right for you:

1. If your breasts are not the same size, breast augmentation might help them become more in proportion. When your breasts are two different sizes, bras do not fit. Clothes do not fit correctly. Swimsuits can be a nightmare. Your self-esteem and self-confidence needs the boost of a breast augmentation.

2. Perhaps you are recovering from breast cancer and a mastectomy. Breast augmentation can restore some semblance of normalcy in your life – both inside the bedroom and out.

3. Breast augmentation through the use of implants might be beneficial to those women who have little to no chest proportions to speak of. Clothes made for women make allowances for having breasts. So, many times clothes hang on a woman's body frame improperly due to the lack thereof in this department. Self-esteem and self-confidence are again providing a major boost with breast augmentation.

There are a lot more "cons" than "pros" to the breast augmentation procedure. Here are a few of those "cons:"

1. Infection is a worry when it comes to breast augmentation cosmetic surgery, especially if it involves implants. Infection can usually set in within a week of having implants. When this happens, the likely scenario will be the removal of the implants until the infection clears up. To be safe, doctors will usually wait several months before trying again.

2. Loss of sensation and scarring are side effects you potentially have to deal with in regards to breast augmentation. The breast, especially the nipple area may lose some sensation right after a surgery. For the most part, you will regain that sensation within a few months. A small percentage loses sensation permanently. Only a small fraction of women reporting changes in sensation say that they are more sensitive than before. You cannot get around having a few scars from the breast augmentation. However, because some people heal differently than others, your scars could become raised and firm and there is even the possibility of the scar growing wider. Not the kind of stuff that dreamy perfect breasts are made out of, is it?

3. When breast augmentation includes implants, the potential for problems increases exponentially. Scars could form around the implant and get firm, causing pain and an uncomfortable rock hard breast. The implant could rupture for some reason; silicone implants can pose serious health threats if they rupture. Breast implants could form visible wrinkles in them or move out of place. Breast could even droop within a few years, causing the implants to shift.

4. Anesthesia is also a big factor in the success of a breast implantation procedure. Allergic reactions are not unheard of during surgery. In addition, recovery times from surgery differ greatly in some people. And by the same token, everyone has different tolerances to pain. You have to decide if the recovery time and pain is worth the price of breast augmentation.

The pros and cons listed above just barely scratch the surface on all of the issues you should keep in mind in regards to breast augmentation. Even though it is a cosmetic procedure, it is still a serious surgery and should be treated as such. Remember, you are in control, so no matter what questions or concerns you have, ask your cosmetic surgeon about them. And remember; always ask for several medical opinions before going under the knife.

Before Cosmetic Surgery: 10 Things To Remember

Before undergoing plastic surgery, potential patients need to consider a variety of factors. Each of these factors should be carefully thought out and the patient must be certain to be comfortable with each of them before proceeding with any form of cosmetic surgery.

Can I Afford the Surgery?

No cosmetic surgery is cheap. It costs a great deal of money to bring together the knowledge and expertise of a surgical staff to complete your transformation. It takes careful planning and many visits both before and after the surgery. All of this costs money. For the most part, insurance companies do not cover the expenses associated with cosmetic surgery, unless there is a medical need. For example, nose surgery may be needed to correct a deviated septum or eyelid surgery may be necessary if it blocks vision. Otherwise, the patient needs to come up with the funds entirely on his or her own.

Do I Have the Time?

Most forms of cosmetic surgery are very time consuming. As already mentioned, the patient has to make many visits to the doctor. In addition, the healing process can be quite time consuming. Patients need to be sure they have the time available to commit to the entire process.

Can I Get Time Off From Work?

In order to dedicate the time necessary to successfully complete cosmetic surgery, most people will need to take time away from work. It is important for a potential patient to be sure he or she has time available to be away from work in order to complete the surgery.

Can I Refrain From Physical Activity for Long Periods of Time?

Proper recovery from cosmetic surgery requires refraining from strenuous activity for several weeks. Any activity that can raise the patient's blood pressure needs to be avoided. This includes lifting, running, bending and even sex. Patients need to be sure they are prepared to refrain from all of these activities for several weeks prior to undergoing surgery.

Am I Healthy Enough?

Cosmetic surgery has all of the same risks associated with any form of surgery. I potential patient suffering from diabetes, heart problems, circulatory problems, or high blood pressure needs to seriously consider the elevated risks involved with having surgery.

Am I Strong Enough?

Undergoing cosmetic surgery can be emotionally difficult. Many patients experience feelings of depression during the few weeks following certain procedures because their faces are bruised and swollen. Unable to see the results and in pain, patients can begin to regret having undergone the surgery.

How Will I Explain this to My Friends and Family?

Figuring out how to explain the surgery to friends and family can be tough. Of course, the patient is his own person and has the right to make his own decisions. Nonetheless, it can be difficult to get friends and family to accept the changes caused by cosmetic surgery. Friends may tease the patient for getting surgery. Family members may feel offended by the patient's desire to change the way he or she looks, particularly if the trait is a family or ethnic characteristic.

Will I Be Able to Handle Criticism?

It is difficult to keep something like cosmetic surgery a secret from those the patient sees every day. Therefore, it will be a very public operation. The time away from work or other regular activities will arouse curiosity. Co-workers and other peers will undoubtedly notice the difference upon the patient's return to regular activities. The patient needs to be prepared to answer questions from his or her peers. He or she also needs to be ready to handle stares or uncomfortable silences as peers wonder about the change but are too uncomfortable to ask. Before undergoing the surgery, the potential patient needs to decide whether or not he or she wants to tell these people ahead of time or wait until after the surgery is complete.

Am I Ready to Handle Potential Side Effects?

Not all cosmetic surgeries work out perfectly. Side effects are possible, even permanent side effects. The potential patient needs to be sure to be educated about these possible side effects and determine if it is worth risking the side effect in order to undergo the cosmetic surgery.

Do I Have Realistic Expectations?

Potential cosmetic surgery patients need to have realistic expectations. Expecting perfection is not realistic, though expecting improvement is. The potential patient needs to discuss potential outcomes thoroughly with the surgeon and enter the surgery with realistic expectations of the outcome.

Removing Bags Under Your Eyes

A common side effect of aging is the development of bags under the eyes. It generally occurs because the protective layer of fat surrounding the eyes begins to sag in response to gravity and decreased elasticity of the skin. This problem not only makes the face look older, but it also gives the person a perpetually tired look. Through an eye bag removal procedure, the patient can look younger and wide-awake.

A Closer Look at the Causes of Eye Bags

A variety of factors can actually contribute to the formation of eye bags. The pressure of the fat around the eyes can cause the ligaments, skin, and muscles to become more lax. Sometimes, there is extra fat behind the support wall of the eyelid, which gives them a baggy appearance. In other cases, the relaxed skin itself actually causes the bag because there is simply too much skin in the area. For some, the muscle in the lid has thickened or the upper eyelids form a bag because of drooping eyebrows.

Each of these conditions have specialized names and procedures for correcting them. In many patients, more than one of these conditions exists and all must be fixed in order to improve the appearance of the skin and to remove the bags. Blepharochalasis, for example, is the combination of thinning eyelid skin, protrusion of skin folds in the eyelids, and lid swelling. Dermochalasis, on the other hand, is simply extra skin. Hypertrophy of the orbicularis muscle is when there is an overgrowth of the eyelid muscle and a protrusion of fat. Brow ptosis, on the other hand, is when the upper eyelids are baggy because of drooping eyebrows. A competent surgeon will be able to identify the cause or causes of the eye bags before surgery and discuss options with the patient ahead of time.

The Effects of Eye Bag Removal Procedure

Eye bag removal surgery is done to correct the puffy bags that form below a patient's eyes or drooping upper lids. These bags make the patient look older and tired. For some patients, these eye bags can even interfere with vision. Eye bag removal surgery can remove the puffy and droopy look around the eyes, but it will not eliminate crow's feet or dark circles under the eyes. In addition, eye bag removal surgery does not lift sagging eyebrows.

The eye bag removal procedure can also be used to create an upper eyelid crease in Asian eyes, but it cannot be used to eliminate natural traits associated with ethnic or racial lineage. This procedure is often used along with other surgeries, such as a browlift of a facelift, to improve the overall appearance of the face and the skin on the face.

Eye Bag Surgery Candidates

The best candidates for eye bag surgery are those who are physically fit and realistic in their expectations of what the surgery can offer. Most patients are 35 years or older, but those with a history of baggy or droopy eyelids may have the surgery at a younger age.

Patients coping with certain medical conditions are considered to be more risky when it comes to undergoing eye bag surgery. For example, thyroid problems such as Grave's disease and hypothyroidism have a greater risk of complications. Dry eye, glaucoma, and a detached retina are also risk factors. Patients with other medical conditions generally considered risky when undergoing surgery, such as circulatory disorders, diabetes, and high blood pressure, are also at a greater risk of encountering complications when undergoing the procedure.

The Procedure

The eye bag removal procedure involves several small incisions that are made below the eyelash. This allows the surgeon to remove both excess skin and fat that is causing the bags to appear. Generally, the procedure, which is called blepharoplasty, is performed on both the upper and lower eyelids. In the case of the upper eyelids, a strip of skin may also be removed, but the skin is removed in a natural crease in the eyelid in order to minimize the appearance of scarring.

The eye bag removal procedure usually entails staying the day in the hospital or the night, depending on when the procedure begins.

After the Procedure

After completing the eye bag removal procedure, stitches are generally removed about 3 to 7 days after the surgery is completed. After the stitches are removed, the patient can usually resume normal activities.

Arm Lifts: Brachioplasty

You dread summer and the hot days it brings with it. You don't mind the temperatures, but you know that the heat will no longer permit you to hide your flabby arms under the guises of long sleeved sweaters and blouses. You dread the invitations to pool parties, and an outing to the park leaves you panting with anxiety. You know you look somewhat odd at the pool in eighty degree heat wearing that jacket, and everyone wonders about your long sleeved sweatshirt when playing tennis in the blazing July sun. Is there hope for you?

As a matter of fact, there is! Its name is brachioplasty, which is simply a fancy word for the process more colloquially known as an "arm lift." Loose skin is quite often the result of rapid weight loss. When you still carried around all that extra weight, your arms sought to compensate for the fatty deposits by stretching the skin. When you lost the weight, the skin did not tighten back up, and so you now have saggy, baggy skin that does not look very nice. Some patients may have the mistaken idea that liposuction will take care of this problem, but this is unfortunately not the case since the liposuction will remove the fat but not the loose skin.

Take note that brachioplasty is not for the faint of heart since a long incision, usually from the armpit all the way down to the elbow, needs to be made, and quite often the result of this incision is some scarring. While scarring may be minimized with properly administered post operative care, it cannot be totally avoided, and you will need to decide which is the lesser of two evils in your case. The procedure itself only takes a couple of hours and recovery is swift and any swelling or bruising can be easily concealed with loose fitting long sleeves. It is important to note that this procedure is only useful for excess loose skin and not for the removal of fatty deposits trapped underneath the skin. If you have issues with fat on your upper arms, you will most likely benefit more from an actual liposuction which, at some point down the road, may be followed up with a brachioplasty if nec essary.

It is important to realize that while side effects are rare, they do occur, and quite possibly the most dangerous one is any damage to nerves that run along the arm and that may temporarily or perhaps even permanently change the way you are able to feel your fingers, move them, or even influence the sensitivity of your skin in some areas. Skin infections and excessive fluid retention needing draining procedures were also among noted side effects, yet obviously they are not as severe as a loss of feeling or sensitivity.

Of course, much of this may be avoided when dealing with reputable physicians, state of the art facilities, and of course a faithful adherence to any pre-operative as well as post-operative regimen your surgeon prescribes for you. Avoidance of lotions and maybe even underarm deodorant for a while may go along way to prevent annoying rashes and skin irritations at the wound site, and may also help to decrease any possibility of swelling or excessive scarring. Additionally, a properly supervised exercise plan will prevent sutures from breaking open. As you can see, there is no kind of cosmetic surgery that it entirely risk free and without the possibility of complications; in many instances, however, the risks may be minimized by not being afraid to spend the extra money to purchase the highest quality of surgical know how, experience, and education in the form of the surgeon who will be operating on your bod y.

In addition to the foregoing, this is a time where background checks, licenses and testimonials need to be researched in detail to ensure that your physician is indeed as highly trained and experienced as he or she claims to be. Do not encounter the heartache of having received a cut rate operation at the expense of receiving cut rate results. Your body and your health are two things you should not skimp or compromise on!

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Are You Considering Cheek Implants?

Cheek implants are an excellent way to both improve and enhance the contours of the face. There is more than one type of implant that can be utilized to plump up cheeks and not all are made from the same kind of materials. Let's take a look at some of the reasons for getting cheek implants.

At the most basic level, cheek implants can improve a person's facial appearance and increase their self-esteem if it needs a boost. Cheek implants allow a face to become more proportional and balanced looking. On older patients cheek implants give a face a fuller look, especially if the face is looking drawn, aged or sunken in. Sometimes younger women who have flat cheekbones opt for cheek implants to give them that sought after high cheekbone look of fashion models. Fullness and lift are the most important reasons for making the decision to go under the knife and have cheek implants put in. Cheek implants (also known as cheek augmentation) can be implanted frontally, laterally or in some cases, both. The initial consultation a patient has with her surgeon should determine what is necessary according to her desired look.

Cheek implants can be made out of one of five different kinds of materials. The choices are silastic, hydroxyapatite, polyethylene, gore-tex and cadaver bone. Silastic is a type of plastic that is both solid and flexible. Hydroxyapatite is a ceramic material that looks a lot like coral from the sea. Polyethylene also looks like coral obtained from the sea although it is made of plastic. Gore-tex may sound familiar because it is the same type of material that is used to manufacture raincoats. The last, cadaver bone is self-explanatory. It is bone that is taken from human donors who have passed away.

Cheek implants can be done in more than one way and as previously mentioned, the needs of the patient must be the deciding factor in which method the surgeon settles on. What takes place for cheek implant surgery is for a "pocket" to be created over top of the tissue of the cheek(s), which will enable the implant to fit in it properly. Cheek implants can be either porous or solid, and that depends on the individual patient as well.

Cheek implant surgery is most often done on an outpatient basis and is conducted under either general or local anesthetic. Patients can generally choose which they prefer to have. Briefly what occurs during surgery is the incision for the implant is placed in one of three places- the conjunctiva (or inner surface of the eye), inside the mouth or in the crease lines outside the eye. Having the surgeon make the incision in the mouth is preferable as the scars are not visible whatsoever. The stitches used when the incision is made in the mouth absorb into the skin easily and therefore do not need to be removed. However if the incision is in one of the other areas of the face, then the stitches should be ready to be taken out approximately five days after surgery. Cheek implant surgery takes an average of 45 to 60 minutes to perform.

There are always risks for cosmetic surgery procedures. Some risks are always a concern with every operation undertaken while others are considered unique to a specific operation. For the former the risks are obvious ones- bruising, bleeding, infection, numbness, scarring and swelling. For the latter, the risks involved are the chance that the cheek implant could suddenly shift position in the face and/or the concern that the patient won't be happy with their new facial features after it is done. If a facial cheek implant does shift position then a second operation is often required to put it back into proper alignment. Infection is more likely to occur in this case.

Before making the decision to have cheek augmentation it is important to ask several questions of your plastic surgeon. These questions, in no specific order, are number one; would you be able to correct the asymmetry of my face? Second, which material would you recommend to use for my cheek implant and why? Third, where in my face would you make the incisions? Fourth, in regards to the implant material would the one you recommend using be in any way associated with erosion? The fifth question would be how much would my cheek implant(s) cost? The next question would be if it became necessary to take out the cheek implant how involved a process would it be? Finally, who would pay for the removal of the cheek implant?

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10 Reasons For a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

There are a number of reasons to decide to have an abdominoplasty (or tummy tuck). Tummy tucks are routinely performed on both sexes. The stretching of muscles and the presence of stretch marks prompts a lot of women to make an appointment with a plastic surgeon whereas it is common for men to want to do away with the "middle age bulge" many get stuck with. There are ten main reasons to have an abdominoplasty. Let's take a look at each of them.

Dieting and exercise can tone muscles but unfortunately not attack unattractive loose skin to be found on the abdomen. But an abdominoplasty can accomplish this. A tummy tuck tightens the inner girdle (the area that extends from the ribcage to the pubic bone) and allows for the reshaping of the abdominal walls. This is one reason to undergo this type of surgical procedure. An abdominoplasty changes the appearance of loose, flabby skin that has lost its shape and elasticity and transforms it into a flatter, smoother surface that anyone would be proud to show off.

Post partum women frequently seek out this type of operation as they are bothered by the stretch marks that mar their skin. Stretch marks occur during pregnancy because of muscle and skin stretching and no one enjoys the sight of them. They are also all too common in those who have lost a great deal of weight. Stretch marks can almost be entirely obliterated by way of a tummy tuck. Scars brought about by a Caesarian section wreak havoc with the lower abdominal area as well and many women after having children don't feel that their bodies look presentable enough. An abdominoplasty tightens the area considerably and improves the overall appearance.

The third reason concerns old scars from previous surgeries. If a patient has had stomach stapling operations in the past or any other surgeries that might have left scars on his/her abdomen such as an appendectomy or a hernia operation, etc. a tummy tuck can do away with the scars and revive the skin into looking smooth and as unblemished as possible.

The fourth reason for having an abdominoplasty is the inability, or sense of self-consciousness, in wearing scanty underwear and/or swimwear (especially skimpy bikinis) because of loose, flabby skin. One scar from the abdominoplasty will be visible across the lowest part of the abdomen area (in other words, just slightly above what is referred to as the bikini line) while another will be somewhere in the area of the belly button. Some scars on the abdomen heal extremely well and are not very obvious while other scars are. This tends to vary from person to person. Most people would agree that a scar or two are preferable to a protruding mid section.

The fifth reason is a simple one - we live in a society that praises flat, smooth stomachs as the ideal way to look therefore most people yearn to fit in with what society and the media dictates. As well a flatter abdomen gives the appearance of a more proportionate and balanced figure, especially when one looks at one's body in a full-length mirror standing sideways. Who doesn't want to look good after all?

The sixth reason ties in with the fifth reason somewhat. For a great deal of people having a flat, smooth stomach was what they enjoyed in their youth as muscle tone was very good when they were young and they tended to be very active in their day to day lives. Having this surgery gives the patient a more youthful appearance and that is something worth smiling about.

The seventh reason is that having an abdominoplasty gives a patient a more positive self-image. There is an increase in the overall level of both self esteem and self confidence thus allowing the person the feeling that they have not been defeated and that if having a flatter abdomen is possible for them then other things can be as well. It's a good feeling to know you both look, and feel great.

The eighth reason is merely a cosmetic one. After this surgery the patient can get rid of all of their shapeless and large sized tops, pants, sweaters, dresses, etc. and can instead begin to wear more fitted clothing that complements the figure as opposed to hiding it.

The ninth reason is all about sex. A flat, smooth abdomen looks sexier both when it is draped in a sexy garment such as a lacy negligee and when it is uncovered. And a bare midriff as it comes out of the pool glistening wet is off the charts sexy! Everyone yearns to look sexy and an abdominoplasty can help one achieve that end.

The tenth reason is that cosmetic surgery of this type often makes a person look at how they take care of themselves physically, psychologically and otherwise. It is sometimes a mirror into the different aspects of a patient's life and is an opportunity for reflection, which is always a good thing.

Men Skin Care: A Growing Trend

By Paolo Basauri

Men's skin care is a topic that everyday is more and more usual in guys conversations. We have arrived to a time where men feel comfortable expressing their needs of looking good and feeling good and where they can express it freely without any kind of shame. And guess what? It seems men skin care is here to stay.

Who hasn't heard of the term metrosexual? It appeared on media all over the world some years ago to describe men who care about how they look. But why give a name to something that has always existed? If women can take care of themselves why shouldn't we? After all skin care is more than just cosmetic, it has a positive impact on our health as well. I bet the term metrosexual will disappear in the next few years, as personal grooming will become an important part of men's lives, not only to get women, but also to impress at jobs.

Men skin care includes different areas, and also brings up different questions. It begins by getting to know your skin type. Even the color of your skin determines your approach to men skin care; black people and white people have their own issues when it comes to men skin care. For example the black skin is prone to produce ingrown hair, razor bumps and hyperpigmentation; thus different products are needed to take care of it. Once you know your specific skin type, it works as a building point for skin care.

Men skin care is something you should definitely consider if you want to feel better about yourself. Take advantage of the years you live in. As you will experience, taking care of your skin will bring you many benefits, being the best of them a truly healthy skin. Men skin care is a growing trend that is taking the world by storm, and taking men around the world to a better life.


A Review of Environ Skin Care

By Morgan Hamilton

The desire to look good is one of the seemingly crucial things that many people share. Do you want to look good? Now, don't take it personally because I'm not trying to judge you. I'm just making a simple valid query. I also think there is nothing wrong with striving to look our best. The art of being more attractive physically has been taken to whole new levels these days. Almost anything that can positively alter a person's appearance can be done with the right amount of cash.

Skin care is one of the methods we use to look good. People use many methods to improve the tone, texture, and overall quality of their skin. Do you want some advice on how to care for your skin? If you do, then allow me to tell you about a way of caring for your skin that does not require the drastic change or alteration that is common in surgery. I'm talking about the wonderful effects of services such as Environ skin care.

You can truly enhance the appearance of your skin with Environ skin care. You need some serious treatments to get a hold on the situation if you suffer from severe acne. I have seen this dilemma many times before because one of my friends required professional assistance with his acne breakouts. He just couldn't get control of it on his own. He tried a lot of different treatments but a lot of acne would still pop up on his face. Fortunately, he was able to acquire a helping hand from Environ skin care. He was able to obtain a clearer complexion with the aid of this treatment.

Are you also troubled by terrible zits? If you are, then let me tell you that it's nothing to be embarrassed about. After all, more than 80 percent of our species suffer from some sort of acne. The important thing is that you try to address and treat the issue. In my opinion, the sooner to seek professional help, the better off you are. You have to get a grip on your acne before it does any real and permanent damage to your skin.

You can hop on your trusty laptop and see what's currently available online if you are interested in Environ skin care or some other skin care process. You have to hit your acne troubles head on if you want to squelch this irksome dilemma. You should also read up on Environ skin care, so that you will have a clear understanding of what they can provide for you. You can find all you need to know and get the help that you need concerning your skin on the Internet. Contemporary Environ skin care solutions are waiting for you.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Plastic Surgery Patient Safety Information

Cosmetic surgery, like any type of surgery, carries some degree of risk. To minimize the danger, surgeons take a number of precautions to ensure the safety of their patients, and maximize the effects of the surgery.

First, a cosmetic surgeon will advise the patient about the potential risks of the surgery. Though cosmetic surgery has relatively few serious dangers, a good surgeon is 100% committed to patient safety.

Second, in an effort to reduce the risks and improve the outcome of the surgery, the doctor will advise the patient to prepare for the procedure. Depending on the type of operation, losing weight, restraining from strenuous activity, or using sunscreen or protective cream to protect the skin will be advised. Providing the surgeon with the best material to work with is the best way to ensure a positive outcome.

Last and most importantly, extreme care is devoted to both the surgery and the recovery period to ensure that both are as safe as possible. Once the surgery is complete, the doctor will explain the healing process in detail and medications and antiseptic bandages are provided for a quick recovery.

The proper precautions, combined with caring doctors and responsible patients, will ensure that your cosmetic procedure is a safe and effective success!

Chemical Peel Information

The desire for smooth, young looking skin is the driving force behind the cosmetic procedure commonly referred to as a chemical peel. Chemical peels use a variety of natural and manmade compounds to remove the top layers of the skin in an effort to reduce blemishes, wrinkles and uneven skin coloration.

There are many types of chemical peels to suit the varied needs of every patient; some require a milder chemical, while others sometimes use a strong solution in conjunction with other procedures such as Botox or a facelift.

The chemical used greatly depends on the expected result. Stronger acids are used to treat precancerous growths, tough wrinkles, and blotchy skin, while weaker chemicals are used to smooth dry skin, correct acne, and improve sun-damaged skin. They type of chemical is chosen by the doctor to maximize treatment but minimize risk.

While chemical peels are some of the safest cosmetic procedures available there are still risks involved with treatment. It is extremely important that the person you see for your peel is a qualified, experienced, and board certified plastic surgeon. These responsible and dedicated individuals know how to achieve the look you want with taking unnecessary risks.
Depending on your situation, your surgeon may schedule one or more sessions, and ultimately you will be left with younger, smoother, and fresher looking skin. Healing usually takes a few days, and once the bandages are off the world will be amazed at the brand new you.

Cellulite Treatment Information

Edematous-fibrosclerotic panniculopathy is the medical terminology for cellulite, but just because you can’t pronounce its name doesn’t mean you shouldn’t know what it is. Cellulite is not caused be being overweight, as even underweight and normal weight people can suffer from it. Many creams, drugs, and treatments offer relief from this embarrassing condition, but usually only produce moderate results when they even work at all.

Cellulite is the bane of anyone who enjoys showing off their legs, hips, or buttocks. The skin is anchored to muscle with strong, thick, fibrous tissues. Men and women have different architecture underneath the skin - men have fibrous diagonal pockets while women have long straight lines that contain their fat.

Unfortunately, as lower layers of fat grow and expand, it pushes these upper levels of fat to the surface of skin while the tissue remains attached. The dimples are the remaining tissue still attached to the skin. Cellulite is notoriously difficult to treat because no one really understands what causes it, but most experts agree that it’s a combination of genetics, hormones, and aging.

Cellulite affects vastly more women then men, for up to 90% of all post-adolescent women will suffer from this condition at some point their lives. Treatment methods have come a long way since the first steam baths, hot wraps, saunas, but science still has a long way to go before the blight of cellulite is banished forever. Find a board certified plastic surgeon in your area and learn how you can make cellulite a thing of the past.

Permanent Cosmetics Information

People choose a variety of cosmetics for a variety of reasons. They may be allergic to common types of cosmetics, or perhaps injury or limited dexterity prevents them from using makeup with any degree of success. Regardless, permanent cosmetics are the perfect solution for any woman who wants to look her best without having to worry about the hassle of applying makeup.

Permanent cosmetics are the perfect solution to anyone who believes that their skin could use permanent definition. Micropigmentation involves thousands of minute needle injections of a permanent dye into the first layer of skin, and no amount of crying or sweating will ever cause it to run.

There are several options for people who seek to be freed from the burden of continually applying makeup. By far the most popular type of permanent cosmetic is permanent eyeliner, but your surgeon can create permanent effects to the lips, cheeks, and eyebrows or create permanent lip liner, blush, and eye shadow.

Camouflage Cosmetics Information

The nature of some cosmetic surgeries is that certain procedures have a negative impact on surrounding tissues, particularly on the delicate skin around the face. Swelling, bruising, scars, and stitches can frustrate a patient who sought cosmetic surgery to enhance their appearance, not diminish it.

Fortunately, there are what doctors call “camouflage cosmetics” specifically designed to mask the telltale signs of cosmetic surgery. This type of makeup gives people the confidence to return to work or social activities without embarrassment.

Camouflage cosmetics are usually recommended by the surgeon, but are also available in many department stores. In choosing cosmetics, it is critically important to select those that are hypoallergenic and fragrance-free, for you want you use as few chemicals on your wounds as possible.

Camouflage most often falls into three categories: concealing, color correcting, and contouring. By following the directions of your surgeon, you can easily correct the signs of your surgery, and show the world your newly enhanced features without the embarrassment of swelling or discoloration.

Botox Injections

A Botox® cosmetic procedure is actually the trade name of Botulinum Toxin Type A, a purified toxin produced by the bacterium clostridium botulinum. Though it doesn't sound very pleasant, the procedure is a great way to soften or erase the wrinkles and fine lines that can accelerate the appearance of aging.

Very low doses of Botox are administered via a few tiny injections directly into overactive muscles that cause lines to form. Botox gently blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to the injected sites and prevents the muscles from contracting and forming a crease or a wrinkle. This is a highly effective and safe way to treat the wrinkles located between the brows, and has been shown to soften and reduce crows feet, forehead wrinkles, and the neck line.

Although it is technically a toxin, Botox has been used safely by ophthalmologists forover 10 years and has been used for wrinkle therapy since the early 1990's, with no serious side effects documented.

Breast Reduction

Background on Breast Reduction
Although most people think of breast augmentation procedures when they think of breast surgery, a growing number of women are undergoing breast reduction procedures, known as reduction mammaplasties.

Women with very large breasts can be tormented by a variety of medical problems caused by the excessive weight of the chest, from back and neck pain and skin irritation to skeletal deformities and breathing problems. Disproportionately large breasts can also lead to extreme self-consciousness.

Breast reduction is designed especially for women with such problems. The procedure removes a particular amount of fat, glandular tissue, and skin from each or both of the breasts, making them smaller, lighter, and firmer. The surgery can also be used to reduce the size of the areola, the dark skin surrounding the nipple.

The goal of breast reduction surgery is to give a woman smaller, firmer, better-shaped breasts that are in proportion with the rest of her body.
Reduction Mammaplasty
Women usually have a breast reduction to minimize the amount of paidn and discomfort associated with unusually large breasts. Many of these women suffer extreme pain in their backs, neck, and shoulders, and often a reduction will remedy this situation. Other women have breasts altered by genetics, age, or childbirth and wish to regain a shapelier, more natural figure. Reductions are not recommended for women who expect to breastfeed in the future.
Uncertainty and Risk of Breast Reduction
Every surgery carries some degree of uncertainty. Consult your board certified plastic surgeon before the procedure to understand any potential risks.
Planning for Breast Reduction Surgery
Your surgeon will examine and measure your breasts to plan the most appropriate procedure. It is extremely important to openly discuss your expectations with the surgeon because everyone has a different opinion on what is the most aesthetically pleasing breast.
Women who receive medically necessary mammoplasties should inform their insurance companies before the surgery, as all or part of the procedure may be covered.
Preparing for Breast Reduction Surgery
Some surgeons insist that you get a mammogram before your procedure to rule out the possibility of internal complications during tissue removal. Mammaoplasties can be rather involved surgeries so doctors often advise their patients to have some blood drawn prior to the operation in case a transfusion is needed. There are also specific guidelines regarding food, liquid, and medicine intake, so be sure to follow your doctor’s orders.

It is also wise to prepare transportation to and from the operation and have someone to assist you for the first few days of recovery. Be sure to talk to your doctor about any questions you might have before your surgery.
Where Breast Reduction surgery is performed
Most breast reductions are performed in a surgical facility, doctor’s office, or hospital.
Types of anesthesia
Virtually every breast reduction is performed under general anesthetic so you can sleep through the entire operation
How the Breast Reduction surgery is performed
Though there are many techniques for a mammaoplasty, most procedures begin with a donut-shaped incision around the areola with a vertical cut downward on the front of the breast. Your doctor will remove fat, skin, and glandular tissue from the breast, and reposition the nipple and areola to compliment the new size and shape of your breast.

One of the most important considerations is the placement of the nipple. Although the nipples remain connected to their nerves and blood supplies in most mammaplasties, in the cases that merit extreme reduction it is often necessary to graft the nipples and areola to a higher location on the breast. This restructuring causes a total loss of sensation.
The post-operation recovery process is very similar to other breast procedures. After the surgery, you will be wrapped in an elastic bandage or a surgical bra over gauze dressings, and a small tube may be placed in each breast to drain off blood and fluids for the first day or two.

Although breast reduction is a safe procedure with few complications, you may feel some pain for the first couple of days, especially when you are mobile. A general discomfort may last for a week or more, and your doctor will prescribe medication to lessen the pain.

Your cosmetic surgeon will give you detailed instructions for resuming your normal activities. Most women can return to work and social activities in about two weeks, providing that they are careful to avoid strenuous activity.

Breast Lifts

Background on Breast Lifts
Some women inherently have less natural shape and firmness in their breasts than others, and many women lose breast elasticity and contour as time, childbirth and nursing take their toll. Many choose to have a breast-lift procedure, also known as a mastopexy, to lift and reshape sagging breasts. Some women also have implants put in during the same surgery to add more definition to their breasts.
If you're unhappy with your breasts' volume, position and contour, you could be an ideal candidate for this type of surgery. The best candidates for a breast lift are emotionally stable and healthy women who are also realistic about what they expect from the surgery. The best results from a mastopexy are seen in women with small, sagging breasts although breasts of any size can be lifted.
Uncertainty and risk
Surgery of any kind will have some level of uncertainty and risk. Fortunately, breast lifts are usually safe when performed by a qualified plastic surgeon. However, with a mastopexy there is a possibility of patients being left with unevenly positioned nipples or a loss of sensation in the nipples and/or breasts. Additionally, a mastopexy will leave scars that are not noticeable, as they are covered by a woman’s bathing suit or bra.
Planning for a Breast Lift surgery
It is important to discuss your expectations openly and honestly when you visit a plastic surgeon. Your doctor will examine your breasts and discuss the procedure with you. This guidance will help you become more comfortable with the process and should address any questions you may have. Your doctor should be able to answer any questions you may have about the breast lift operation.
Where Mastopexy surgery is performed
There are several locations where your mastopexy may be conducted. You could be in a hospital, an outpatient surgery center, or a doctor’s office facility. Your surgeon will explain the details to you to ensure your comfort during the breast lift.
Types of anesthesia
During your operation you will need to undergo some form of anesthesia. Breast lifts are usually conducted under general anesthesia and you will essentially be asleep during the operation. However, this is dependent upon your needs. Your doctor will be able to work with you to make you as comfortable as possible.
How the Breast Lift surgery is performed
A breast lift usually involves an incision being made in the breast where breast skin is removed and the nipple and areola are moved to a higher position. Stitches are used to permanently reshape the breast when it is positioned optimally. However, depending on the patient a different procedure may be used. The entire operation only takes one and a half to three and a half hours and is painless while in progress because the patient is under general anesthesia.
After a breast lift, patients must wear an elastic bandage over gauze dressings until they can wear a soft support bra. This support bra is worn for three to four weeks until the gradual healing process is completed. Doctors prescribe patients with medications to ease pain and discomfort and also provide specific instructions to ensure a successful and timely recovery.

Background on Body Contouring

About forty-five million Americans diet each year and Americans spend approximately one to $2 billion a year on weight loss programs. It is believed that consumers spend about $30 billion per year trying to lose weight or prevent weight gain, and 55% of Americans are actively trying to maintain or lose weight. In the last five years weight loss surgery has experienced a tremendous resurgence. Over fifty thousand patients in the United States will undergo some form of gastric bypass surgery during 2005, and the positive effects of this surgery are immeasurable. The health benefits of massive weight loss are numerous and profound.

However, after a patient experiences massive weight loss, the body skin is not able to retract to the smaller size of the body underneath. This results in large pendulous hanging breasts, significant excess underarm skin (sometimes known as bat wings), and significant lower abdominal skin and laxity that causes rashes, impairs the ability to wear normal clothes and sometimes even daily activity. In the face, this excess skin often leads to significant signs of aging when the skin is no longer able to retrace following massive weight loss. Body Contouring is a safe and effective group of procedures that can help a patient drastically improve their appearance!
Body Contouring Statistics
In 2004, nearly 17,000 people in the United States underwent what is called an expended abdominoplasty, a procedure used to eliminate the mid body excess skin and fat. This represents a 9% increase from the year before and nearly a 50% increase from five years ago. Breast surgery, upper arm surgery and thigh lift surgery account for nearly forty thousand operations and this represents a nearly 50% increase from just the year before. More and more Americans are discovering the incredible benefits of body contouring after massive weight loss.
Best Candidates for Body Contouring
The best candidates for body contouring are people who have undergone massive weight loss and are dissatisfied with the appearance of their body, are in general good health, and have realistic expectations of what the procedure can accomplish.
Uncertainty and risks of Body Contouring
Every type of surgery carries some form of risk. Speak to your board certified plastic surgeon about the potential risks of eyelid surgery before you decide on your procedure.
Where the surgery is performed
it is often performed in either an office based surgery center or a hospital. Patients generally require one to two nights in the hospital following the procedure and the procedure can often be combined with other procedures although it usually is done with only additional minor procedures given the large nature of this surgical procedure itself.
Type of anesthesia used for Body Contouring
This operation takes anywhere between four and eight hours and is performed under either general anesthesia or epidural
Planning for Body Contouring
You will most likely meet your surgeon for initial consultation to discuss your desires for massive weight loss related surgery. During that time the surgeon and you will come to a conclusion of what surgeries are required, and you will go over a discussion of the risks and benefits of those surgeries. You will then have a second appointment, which is called a pre-operation appointment, whereby you will be carefully examined and the details of the surgery reviewed one more time.
Preparing for Body Contouring surgery
Before the surgery, you will given prescriptions for postoperative medications and instructions of what time to show up and where for your surgery. On the morning of surgery it would be wise that you wear loose fitting clothing, button-down type shirts so you don’t have to lift your arms up after surgery to get into your shirt as well as pajama type bottoms and slippers are also a good idea.
How Body Contouring surgery is performed
On the morning of surgery you will show up at the designated location which is most likely an outpatient surgery center. You will then be taken to a preoperative holding area where most likely an IV catheter will be placed and you will change your clothes and prepare for going into the operating room. Your surgeon will meet you preoperatively and shortly thereafter, you will be taken to the operating room where the procedure will start. You will likely be placed under a general anesthetic or given some sedative medicine and the procedure will begin.
It is important that you have someone who will bring you to the Surgery Center, and if your procedure will be performed as an outpatient, to take you home and spend the first few nights with you following surgery. You will likely return to your physician’s office on the first couple of days following surgery to check and ensure that the wounds are healing up appropriately and then will continue to follow-up according to that surgeon’s postoperative protocol. It is important after surgery to wear the appropriate garments and that provides support for the soft tissues as they heal.