Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Chin Implants: A Good Idea?

Have you ever seen a picture of your facial profile? Do you like what you see? Some people have a chin that looks as if it disappears or recedes into their face and as a result, there is no symmetry. Your nose provides balance for the appearance of your face, but the chin provides the foundation of your facial features. By altering your bone structure with a chin implant, you can change the whole look of your face. What you might perceive as a slightly large nose would blend in with the rest of the face and some of the excess skin around the neck might disappear due to the skin stretching slightly to accommodate the chin implant.

It is a good idea to obtain several medical opinions before settling on one cosmetic surgeon to handle your chin implant. If the surgeons know what they are doing, they will be strict with their perusal of your facial features. They will take measurements and classify the problem areas that keep you from achieving an aesthetically pleasing chin. Sometimes, the cosmetic surgeon will suggest rhinoplasty (or in layman's terms, a nose job) in tandem with the chin implant surgery. Other times, just the chin implant itself will take care of any imbalances in your facial balance.

The chin implant surgery can be anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours; it just depends on the procedures that need to be followed. Each case is different, and many times that dictates whether or not a local anesthetic and general anesthesia are used. For the most part, chin implants are made from a solid silicone material. There are no safety issues or concerns regarding the silicone material because it is not in a liquid state that can be absorbed into the body, unlike the stories you might have heard about breast implants.

During the chin implant cosmetic surgery, the surgeon has two options for making the incisions – one is made in your mouth around the lower lip area or the second could be made beneath the chin. The chin implant is then positioned inside the chin area. To attach the chin implant to the chin bone, sutures are used or sometimes even special screws made from titanium used especially for surgery. With the inner lower lip incision, the cosmetic surgeon uses dissolvable stitches to close the cut. With the incision under the chin, regular stitches that you have to remove later are used. Surgical tape is also used to control any tugging sensations that can cause soreness or swelling.

As with most surgeries, there are risks expected with the chin implants. Infection around the incision sites could occur. If that is the case, your surgeon will prescribe antibiotics that will hopefully clear it up. Otherwise, the chin implant may have to be removed temporarily until the infection clears. An incision inside your mouth may take longer to heal and if you are a smoker or have other health problems, you have the potential for excessive bleeding of the gums. Other risks to think about are nerve damage, shifting of the implant and erosion of the chin bone where the implant is adhered.

Recovery takes a little time, usually within a week or two if no problems occur. For many chin implant patients, regular ice packs applied to the surgery site helps with the swelling. Lying down must be accomplished in an elevated position and if you are a stomach sleeper, you'll have to forgo that comfort for a few weeks until the swelling goes down and your chin heals more. Chewing food can be a bit laborious and painful and usually a liquid diet is subscribed for several days so that your stitches don't pull apart. Your cosmetic surgeon will probably also instruct you to forgo any major physical activity for a few weeks and contact sports for an even longer period of time. You don't want to bump your chin and have the implant shift in any way.

While some mild swelling may linger for up to several months, it shouldn't take you long to see some major changes in your facial profile. If all goes well, your facial features will seem more symmetrical to the overall balance of your face. In turn, you can lift your chin proudly and with confidence.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

will do good in the field of cosmetic surgery.As shaping or reshaping up of nose will add different and better look to the face.
This will definitely improve one's look with well suited nose structure .