Monday, December 11, 2006

Cellulite Treatment Information

Edematous-fibrosclerotic panniculopathy is the medical terminology for cellulite, but just because you can’t pronounce its name doesn’t mean you shouldn’t know what it is. Cellulite is not caused be being overweight, as even underweight and normal weight people can suffer from it. Many creams, drugs, and treatments offer relief from this embarrassing condition, but usually only produce moderate results when they even work at all.

Cellulite is the bane of anyone who enjoys showing off their legs, hips, or buttocks. The skin is anchored to muscle with strong, thick, fibrous tissues. Men and women have different architecture underneath the skin - men have fibrous diagonal pockets while women have long straight lines that contain their fat.

Unfortunately, as lower layers of fat grow and expand, it pushes these upper levels of fat to the surface of skin while the tissue remains attached. The dimples are the remaining tissue still attached to the skin. Cellulite is notoriously difficult to treat because no one really understands what causes it, but most experts agree that it’s a combination of genetics, hormones, and aging.

Cellulite affects vastly more women then men, for up to 90% of all post-adolescent women will suffer from this condition at some point their lives. Treatment methods have come a long way since the first steam baths, hot wraps, saunas, but science still has a long way to go before the blight of cellulite is banished forever. Find a board certified plastic surgeon in your area and learn how you can make cellulite a thing of the past.

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